2011年1月16日 星期日

The Cat Toys and the Dog Toys Are More Important Than You Think

It's true, toys aren't just for kids. They are tools to prepare for adulthood. Toys are actually necessary for physical, social, and mental development in many species, including our pets. And on a lighter side, toys make us happy and help make life worth living.
Just as we child proof our homes for children, so must we do the same for our pets. That is if you don't want your belongings to be chewed up or shredded. Spoil your pets all you want with a toy box overflowing with safe toys (size appropriate). Be generous. Offer stimulation in abundance. And do reach in and toss a toy as you pass by.
Social rules are developed during play. Notice what happens when the rules are broken and you are bitten too hard. Notice the rewards of positive, fun play. Your pet learns, from you and each other, the rules of socialization- of being together.
Scientist associate play with brain building. Play actually helps to sculpt the brain, by building, thickening, and connecting the neurons. Now that's a pat on the head for your pet.
Playful stimulation also wards off boredom, depression, anxiety, obesity... you get the picture. If your pet is plucking, pulling, and scratching, it isn't because they are happy. It may have something to do with anxiety or allergies. Encourage play to change those negative emotions and behaviors to positive ones.
While play comes naturally to the young, gently encourage play with the elderly to keep those neurons firing- in all of us 'species'.

